Dhini's 18th Birthday party!
4:30 PM
Hey guys,I'll be uploading the party pics as soon as possible 'cos I'll be a bit busy for this whole week(CHINESE NEW YEAR,Mah!).I wanna thank Dhini for inviting me to her wonderful 18th birthday party.Huey Lin and I had so much fun yesterday..Sorry,dhini if i said i was a bit bored coz I wasn'nt feeling so well yesterday..I really appreciate what you did for me yesterday like introducing me to your friends and all..I felt so bad la yesterday..If joanne and tze horng was there at the party,at least huey lin & I won't be bored..hehe^^..Anyways,I had fun dancing to Indian songs..lolx.Ok,i've gotta ciaoz..Melly signing off...