I love VODKA!!
7:19 PMLast Thursday, Kaze and I went to Capsquare for the I LOVE VODKA PRESS PARTY. It was loads of fun. Can you imagine? I actually had 3 cups of vodka cocktail and two shots of it. At the entrance, I have to drink one shot of vodka and If I don't, I can't go in although I told them I'm from the media. Kaze had two shots at the entrance and he loved it. Then, we sat at this super nice long table and the the table glows with neon lights. It changes from red to blue to green. Isn't it cool? Anyways, we met 2 wonderful girls which is Jessica and Evelynn. Jess works for JUICE Magazine. After that, Kaze and a few ppl danced on the table. Kaze danced with two hot ladies and there's this fat guy who were also dancing on the table that just reminds me of Perez Hilton. He's Perez Hilton Msian version. Then, we went for mamak with Eve and Jess. My face was so red but YES!!I'm still SOBER, just that I can't pronunce a few words properly. I was amazed that Kaze & Jess which had like tons of alcohol can stay sober for so long. By the way, I have a new word to describe myself ; I'm a NUN-Ness and now my college buddies are going to DE-NAIVE me. Let's just see how it's going to work on me. The process is going to last for 2 and a half years. I hope to get the NAIVESS out from me too. Haha..ciaoz.
Kaze is fixing up his mask.
FYI: I'm not drunk in this pic.
Jess, me and EVE.
Meet Jessica!
Oh,my! Look at Kaze dancing! Next to him is Msian Perez Hilton.
The End