10:05 PMArghh!! I'm supposed to be blogging about what did I wear to class from last week to now, but I guess I can't cos I lost my SD card aka memory card. SHIT!! I'm feeling so shitty now more like crappy with my angry emotion. I feel like crying cos I just lost my baby nikon neo SD Card. The best part is there's like so many pictures that I haven't save into my laptop especially style shots, previous photoshoots, Edison Chen event, college shots and LASTLY, my very own STYLE SHOTS!! Argh!! Gosh, I feel like saying those words out like FCUK!!! Shit, I have to take pictures for tomorrow URBANSCAPE thing. Damn, how am i going to take pictures tomorrow? Plus, I still haven't call up those people from the casting yet and I haven't plan where to go shop for clothes with Steph for the production. Damn it!!!