12:35 AMThis post is dedicated to my friend, Stephanie aka skinnybiatch. I'm no love doctor or a professional love therapist cos I haven't experience the whole relationship thing and I don't believe in the L word but I hope you (steph) will feel better after reading this post. Here goes, I got to know a girl by the name of Stephanie on the third day when college started. She's so clever that she skipped orientation day! Anyway, when I first met her, I was so shocked to see her so thin and skinny. I thought she was a lamppost for a minute. Although she's skinny, she dresses very well too. I know Steph for about 6 months already since day one of college. We became very close eversince college started, mamaking, shopping, working for some college production called DSP, discussion for group assignments and etc. There's so much to say but I'm just so lazy to type it all out. Back to where I stopped, I'm so glad that I'm going to be her coursemate for two years and I can't wait to have a fresh new start for next semester. Steph has an amazing aura and personality I must say cos of her cheerfulness and the way she makes people happy. I even labelled her as my mentor :D She's good at giving advice, differentiating what's right and wrong and always help me out with logic stuff cos I'm not really good when it comes dealing with logic but I'm good at memorizing :) Just wait and see on August 12th!! My big EXAM!!*shoot, haven't started studying yet*
Back to the topic again. Recently, there's been lots of drama going on which includes my mentor friend and her friend, Vy Yin. Both of them got relationship problems. My both friends are feeling very down and they think that alcohol will solve their problems. Trust me, alcohol is not the answer to all your problems and it's not good for your health either. I feel so bad when Steph broke up cos I felt quite guilty that her breakup I think it's due to me when I dragged her into working for the production. I shouldn't have dragged her in and if only I didn't drag her into this whole shit, none of this will happen. If I can only reverse the time which I can't cos I'm no Einstein or else I'll create a time machine to turn back time. Seriously, Steph..I'm Sorry eventhough you said it's not my fault. Anyway, I hope my friend is feeling better now after she had already settled things with her EX boyfriend. AND, Steph, please don't keep on saying that you're not good at relationship cos I think you're good at it and trust me, you'll meet some perfect guy to fall in love with. Your perfect guy that will make you laugh, be happy all the time and make you feel that you're on the top of the world. Just one word, HAPPY. I'm really happy when I was chatting with Steph online just now cos I can feel her happy energy and I can also feel that someone is having the L feeling for G. (you know who I'm talking about, steph *wink*) Sometimes I wonder, why does everyone falls in love so easily? Do they know what LOVE is? I'm not talking about family and friends love. I mean seriously, what is that so special feeling or the electrified connection between two people? And I don't believe there's such thing as L and again I don't mean family and friends love. Maybe I'm just weird or perhaps, I'm just unique :) Anyway, I'm happy to know that my friend is feeling so much better now and she's laughing too. I'm so relieved to hear that laugh of hers. BTW, Steph, if you're feeling sad and down, don't fret to call me okay although it's going to be weird and funny getting advice from the NUN. haha..Steph, my good friend!! I hope by reading this long essay will make you smile :D Melly the NUN sigining out :X