Walking On A Dream
5:43 AM
Vacation with my friends two months back was absolutely fun. We went to the beautiful Redang Island in Kuala Terengganu. The vacation was indeed a last minute plan that we planned it in an amazing incredible 48 hours before the trip. How cool is that for planning a last minute holiday vacation!? We've booked our flight and the hotel all via online. I just love how convenient online bookings are. Before I head on to my trip, I'd like to apologize for being hiatus for like sixty days. I've been so busy with my new semester, assignments (pain in my butt!), work and events. Oh, and last month I was down with chicken pox too. I'd sum my last two months as stressful, moody, busy and just plain horrible. Okay, maybe not that horrible cos I've been clubbing a lot (after I recovered from the chicpox), met Kpop artistes (BEAST and Wonder Girls), did lots of drawing and illustrations and ... gym! Oh yes, gym! I've been working out a lot at the gym recently so I can have my ideal bod like Jesica Biel and am still working on it.
Anyway, back to my vacation. Our flight to Trenganu was very early in the morning and me being not a morning person shockingly managed to get up early for the trip. Frankly speaking, I didn't sleep at all the night before the trip cos I was too excited and same goes to my friends. In fact, we all slept in the plane. Getting from Trenganu airport to Redang Island was troublesome! We had to travel to the jetty via cab that took us about 45 minutes to reach. And then we took a boat from the jetty to the island that took us another 45 minutes.
At the island, we did nothing much besides snorkeling, sunbathing, eating, drinking and just bumming a lot. Relaxed on the beach, relaxed on the hammock, relaxed in our rooms.. just relaxed. Haha. I love relaxing and being lazy and the fact that your mind is having a nice good rest of 3 days for not worrying to do a reality check. Being at the island, time definitely feels like its passing by slowly. And I seriously could not get enough of the clear water and the white sand. I love relaxing on the beach not under the hot sun tho but under the shady trees. Yes, I'm afraid of the sun which is why I sprayed a lot like A LOT of sun block on my body. I even brought along my good buddies for my trip i.e. Patrick Starfish and GiGi the Giraffe and even brought my Melly happy bag pack (my sketch book, stickers, color pencils, markers and etc)! Oh, and not forgetting my favourite comic - Archie!! So yea, I drew on the beach while listening to Big Bang, Rain, Brown Eyed Girls, Kings and Convenience, Kasabian, The Crash, Miami Horror, Delphic and etc.
All in all, it was one good vacation despite of how much we overspent for our trip and would definitely love to go back there again. Perhaps, next year mid June or July before the monsoon. Goodbye gorgeous Redang Island, I'll be back someday! =)