
Anomalistic Pilgrimage

5:11 AM


I see my road like a battlefield. Excessively indecisive; decisions like turbulence. Slow death I feel coming. Sometimes floating in the clouds of indecisiveness can be restorative for me as I enjoy being in the floaty state: that feather-light feeling as you gently float down the liffey. In order for this condition to take place, you will need... TIME. Everybody tells me that time is crucial especially when in need for decisions. Seize the time and use it shrewdly; that it may bestow you upon more time frames for the next decision(s) in line. Time is short and blah, blah, blah. For which I distress cos I always believed that time will never run out in my dreams. I am a dreamer, an odd dreamer in fact that dreams with the eyes open. Which explains the short attention span I guess. However, this allegiant creed has recently showed its flaw that gave me quite a smack. The impact was so great that it stormily pulls me into this silent space as I watch my surroundings go by nonchalantly; that entice the stench of fear.

The word: clueless (klls)
; used to be a good friend of mine in my thesaurus.

Now, we are complete strangers. Being me; afraid to make decisions, for which that has changed. As today I shall mark down this prominent date (06.06.11) as I have partially made through the battlefield of an unbelievable awesome thirty percent. This is good as I teleport farrrrrr away from procrastination and finish up my massive leftovers for this month. It is gonna be one helluva bumpy month indeed. Remain positive but this time: just do it! And I shall live with this new belief:

Defeat will not be in my creed. Weakness will not be in my heart. Defeat, retreat; those are not in my words. 
No one can tell me what I can and cannot be.
I will never go home, not without giving everything I have got. 
Who am I?
I am a champion.

ps: wrote this in a dizzy state with meds and feverish body at five in the morning. BOOYAH!

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