Humans Should Think, Machines Should Work
4:24 AM
Photography Catherhea Teoh; Edited by yours truly
As I compose this post with a heavy heart that no elephants weight can ever be compared to my blood-pumping organ, I could hear the gentle beeping tone of my digital watch telling me that my precious time here (home, i mean) is incredibly running out at a heartbeat pace. As seconds/minutes/hours/days go by, its beeping tone gradually increases that alarms me on my longitude of distance towards solitude independence. In other words, I will be leaving the country to the foreign land (Queen Elizabeth's crib) that will be happening in about three weeks time from now. Two months sure has passed really fast, honestly it didn't even feel like it - still feels like I've first started my new full-time job as SEVENTEEN's fashion writer/stylist or just graduated from my diploma programme. Amazing how time flies and it's even amazing for a time-phobic person like me to be tingled by it. I guess my time phobia is slowly fading away from me - this evidently explains the-no-lagging-time for appointments/events/work of which I've gone through recently. YAY me! Good news indeed. Will definitely keep this good habit of mine and hopefully I get a HIGH DISTINCTION for time management. Can't believe that tomorrow will be my last fashion spread for the magazine. My body-machine has overworked today with the excessive myriad of looks that my almost fried brain has came out with and running for loans from the city to the suburbs; I want to nail tomorrow's spread badly! Hope everything goes well tomorrow *keeps fingers crossed* :)
ps: excited for the dark-emo spread especially the styling