
Must Beat Lethargic Cells

8:31 PM

Being a journalist and a columnist has drained me of my sleep and adequate rest and this has definitely taken a toll on my skin and beauty. Yes, zits, eye bags, wrinkles even, and these particular words certainly do annoy people and myself by going at the rate of constant repeats and having that in your daily conversation will just make you sound like a broken record player. Imagine your friend or neighbour or even your dog comes up and tell you how dead beat you look like everyday or worse, every hour. Don't you just feel like zipping their mouths up or for some who simply can't stand it will probably hit their mouths with a frying pan *OUCH* !? I know I would.

And since I am so annoyed by the fact that I always complain about how sluggish I look every time, a remedy to solve this matter is inevitably crucial. So... I did some homework on google and have tried some tips online to revive back to the old clear-skin-bubbly me, which, sadly fails. I have tried to sleep early but unfortunately with the extensive research, it didn't do much help but totally burnt me out all the more, which left me with a worse complexion and also deterioration of my alertness.

This has been going on for about a year already and truth to be told, I am so sick for feeling weak and looking terrible all the time and all of that is about to change as I have finally found myself a good remedy to my beauty. 

And it is the InnerShine OPC! What is OPC if you’re wondering, well OPC stands for Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins Complexes, it has powerful antioxidants, and it is said to be 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C, 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E. It reduces the loss of elastin and protect skin cells from free radical damage, encourage healthier skin function and combats free radical damage that leads to ageing. Also, it helps lock and strengthen skin collagen!


I will tell you more about this miraculous discovery after its launch but for now, if you are keen on to knowing more, you can visit their FB (http://facebook.com/innershineopc) /Website (http://innershine.com.my/opc)

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