
Massive Supply of Tissues for All These Issues. Achoo!

6:39 AM

Lately, I have been facing a lot of issues. These issues are getting to my nerve I tell you, it's not like I didn't do anything about it. In fact, I talked about it to my sister, mummy, friends, online friends, my imaginary friend and even, my boy friend. Did I tell you I have a boyfriend? If not then, now you do. Yay! *fireworks and unicorn dance* I love my witty boy friend like nutella and mint ice cream! BTW, this is my very FIRST online (P)ublic (D)isplay of (A)ffection. Anyway... let's go back to the 'issues' topic. So where was I again? Oh yeah! Like I was saying... It doesn't seem to go away and it sticks to me like FOREVER as if I'm some vending machine dispensing free candy bars, not that I don't like giving free chocolates, I do. In fact, I always enjoy giving candies to people like Santa Claus. I am a very nice friend just like Santa's elves :)

Anyway, before I sail to somewhere else, let me just share with you these 'issues' I am going through. So.. these 'issues' apparently turn out to be neck and back issues. But mostly, neck issues. I have been a hustler with my pillows lately. A very bad hustler indeed. I have to change my sleeping position every fifteen minutes while power punching my pillow which is so annoying that it disturbs my dreams with Bieber or in other words, I have not been sleeping at all. Neck needs to be adjusted in a 30 degree angle for the first fifteen minutes, then change to a 150 degree angle after that. I feel like my neck has become some measuring tool for angles like the protractor but just that my neck would make the human protractor. I think tonight, I am going to abandon my pillows and sleep without them. And, by that does not mean I have surrendered to my pillows, the hustler is just taking a break.

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