Live For Tomorrow, Live For Brighton
8:51 AMIf there's one place in England that I would gladly lay my heart onto, that place would be Brighton. Brighton is a small town, down south of England and its main attraction would be the rocky beach. I love how colourful Brighton is, from the dodgy streets to the little stalls by the beach and the people. Everything about Brighton is so warm and lovely and also not to mention, a dreamers rehab. Being a mediocre food lover, I got to say the best food in Brighton would be the flake ice cream or ice cream with flakes. Correct me if you want, I put 'ice cream' into the food category on purpose where it suppose to be labelled dessert. Dessert is food, just that the term 'food' is king for all types of foods. Anyway, I will be leaving UK soon, in two weeks time. My heart feels heavy same goes to my body mass. Till then x