
OHIO Micatosss

2:28 AM

A week has gone by for 2013. Everything looks pretty much alright in all angles - 90 degree of tolerable time management (good start! the alarms are finally working on me!!), 120 degree of being a disciplined adult with solid financial control (ZARA has no effect on me.. yet), 120 degree of eating healthily and 30 degree of being an active social networker (FB chat doesn't daunt me any more).

With all of that being said, I am definitely looking forward for a great start this year but this doesn't imply that I agree with making a resolution. Anyway, today's my first day of work at The Star and it was pretty much chilling i'll say despite the whole morning madness with the jam and office tours and paper signing. Somehow I felt like a politician today with all the massive paper works and meeting so many people from different departments. I am yet to master their names but I can definitely remember their faces. They are all very nice and pleasant looking and talking to them gives you this warm yet serene feeling. I feel so blessed to be working at a large corporation with so many talented writers that some of them that I have been following up their columns since i was a kid. Ecstatic in every good way. Oh and btw, I cut my hair!! Trying to look a bit of Kiko Mizuhara. Fail attempt :(

Anyway, I shall get some disco snooze as I have about 4 hours to recharge myself and slave away!! HAHA.. Good night beautiful people xx

PS: My friend and I are having an online vintage junk sale on Facebook where most of our clothes are pre-loved, vintage and brand new (never worn). If you like vintage and you kinda like my style (not sounding like a self-absorbed sponge), come shop here! Prices are sweet and nothing above RM 30! 

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