Humbug System
4:50 AMMy computer thinks I'm liberal. And I am not sure how to feel about that especially after reading an article that conservatives are happier than liberals. I wish I should have thrown that piece of junk away but I can't cos otherwise I won't be able to do my work or worse, no music! No David Bowie, no Freddie Mercury in speedos, no Garbage and no Austin Mahone. And no spotify!
Before I digress, allow me to fill you how my day and week went. Yesterday was just random. I don't usually go out as often as before, after my operation that is. I have changed. I have started my new job earlier this week and the office environment is nothing new - cold and quiet - just typical office ambient. However, the new place is filled with different accents, beautiful people and well-dressed beings. And, they're all local. Guessing that most of them furthered their studies internationally. Oh, and the office has an interesting minimalistic industrial interior infused with organic elements - from rugged wooden floorings, cemented walls to perplex roofings making the doors of the meeting room. I liked how the place is spacious and perfectly situated where the morning sunshine beautifully washes the office space every day. Beautiful. I am still trying to get used to the system and the office and my seat and my new MAC system and the parking bay next to the elevator. My work team is small and I am still trying to work on the chemistry. I guess that needs time and I just hope that my quietness doesn't bore them or I don't come off to them as a 'weirdo'. I am usually quiet especially around new faces but I am trying really hard to speak up more. I hope it would be less awkward next week.
Anyway, about today or yesterday. Whichever sounds right but the event happened remains the same so it doesn't really matter what day is it. Today/yesterday was random because I dressed up for the movies (it's not a date), caught Percy Jackson, watched the show with my friend and two strangers, talked more than I should, embarrassed myself with some statements that shouldn't been spoken but best kept in the mouth instead, wore my dad slippers for dinner, discovered the secret society mysteries with my brother, and took a survey about liberal VS conservative. Everything mentioned has been utterly downpour emotional to me and I wish some things shouldn't been done especially watching illuminati documentaries and taking up the political arena survey that made me cry and gave me more reasons to hate myself now. After spending somewhat 15 minutes of deep thoughts over what seemed to be straightforward questions, I scored being a liberal. I wasn't too happy about the score in all honesty because there are some questions that I answered them from a conservative point of view especially one question that goes like this for instance:
"Abortion should be .... Completely legal and available / Restricted, discouraged, or illegal"
Incidentally, my conservative answer was the latter. That question took about 5 minutes of my time to think over and over again. I decided to pick the latter because without a regulation, people will be running amok and the existence of values in humanity is obsolete - the world will be ugly. Imagine some young girls flushing infants down the bowl and society conforms to it as part of a norm. There should be some kind of doctrine to curb situations like that and they do - that's where you have the conservatives!
So my scores from the survey are the below following:
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalPersonal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalFiscal Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% LiberalEthics: 25% Conservative, 75% LiberalDefense and Crime: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
According to the scores, I am a liberal but I find that I do have a fair bit of a conservative traits. And that makes me a 70% Liberal and 30% Conservative, this is derived to how I feel. I think everyone shares both conservative and liberal traits in them unless for those extremist that doesn't buy the idea of 'the best of both worlds'. As I was looking up for articles about them, I came by an interesting article from NY Times about how conservatives are proven to be happier than liberals.
"WHO is happier about life — liberals or conservatives? The answer might seem straightforward. After all, there is an entire academic literature in the social sciences dedicated to showing conservatives as naturally authoritarian, dogmatic, intolerant of ambiguity, fearful of threat and loss, low in self-esteem and uncomfortable with complex modes of thinking. And it was the candidate Barack Obama in 2008 who infamously labeled blue-collar voters “bitter,” as they “cling to guns or religion.” Obviously, liberals must be happier, right?,"
- Brooks, Ny Times.
In the article, Arthur C. Brooks wrote about what the obvious answer would usually have seemed like but the obvious judgement is wrong.
"Many conservatives favor an explanation focusing on lifestyle differences, such as marriage and faith. They note that most conservatives are married; most liberals are not. (The percentages are 53 percent to 33 percent, according to my calculations using data from the 2004 General Social Survey, and almost none of the gap is due to the fact that liberals tend to be younger than conservatives.) Marriage and happiness go together. If two people are demographically the same but one is married and the other is not, the married person will be 18 percentage points more likely to say he or she is very happy than the unmarried person."
"People at the extremes are happier than political moderates. Correcting for income, education, age, race, family situation and religion, the happiest Americans are those who say they are either “extremely conservative” (48 percent very happy) or “extremely liberal” (35 percent)," he added.
To support his statement, he claimed that the possibility is that the extremist have everything all figured out and they are the happy warriors because they own the security of knowing what's wrong and right and whom to fight. Lastly, he finds that conservatives are less likely to be troubled by a problem that, it turns out, their political counterparts defined.
After reading the article, I smiled and then I cried. I am happy being a liberal but I want to be happier and settle down in the future with children and let the government sort the nation's apprehension.
I think my answer for now would be a liberal and a conservative in eight years time.