Cerebrum Angst
5:17 AM
This is annoying. Annoying to the extent where i just want to trash this platform so bad. Like squashing bananas with my bare hands on the wall or on the ground or basically a surface for squashing to happen. Annoyed. Massive annoyed. I think my laptop is infected with a disease. Maybe that's why I can't load all my music videos at 720 dpi and have to succumb to a mediocre 480 dpi quality. My eyes have been patient lately. In fact, i have been patient let alone with all these weird crappy adverts popping up on any site I go to right now. YEEZUS! (I don't swear much but when i do, i don't like using that word so yeezus is kinda appropriate. Besides, it does rhyme with the jeeeesas. I don't dare type out the exact spelling cos i feel bad. Thanks Kanye, you sure helped me out good with my swearing pleasure). Rare and how strange to have all these pop ads appearing on my regular sites. And no, i don't watch porn on those porn sites but i do admit of watching porn. Who doesn't!? Well, i'm not shy about it and there's nothing wrong about watching it. But my kind of porn has some pretty good standards with good artsy angles and artsy story line and also because i love french movies. So if i watch french films, you know why now.
Anyway, back to the main point of this annoyance. There! It happened again. Seriously, can this whole pop up thing end already? This is not fun and what did i do to deserve this internet torture. Yes. I have been unruly gloomy and bitter about everything but seriously, this punishment makes no sense. I am a strong believer in logic despite the fact i'm a godly person. Anyway, yes. This whole pop up thing needs to stop. Like STOP.
Moving on, i just realised that i recently lost a follower on Tumblr so that makes me uncool I guess. I have now left with just one follower and she's a good friend of mine while the other one who unfollowed me is just a complete stranger. Okay, i know i'm not cool enough to be followed and I don't mind. Well, it does kinda tick me off in all honestly but i'm just putting the thought of being a complete natural hostile human to this. Exhaling is the best for this exact moment. If you're mad pissed just try breathing in and just take a long exhale after that. It helps! I feel kinda better now. Well at least at this point there's no pop ups.
So much ranting for today. I am not one who complains a lot but just lately. So weird. I don't get angry easily too but just lately. Everything is all weird and strange for me. All these bitterness and brackishness seem to be the new me lately. Maybe i should stop having three shots of espresso or basically, coffee. I have been laying off sugar and I guess it's good. Well, my resolution i made four years back came true finally. YAY, I'M ONE HAPPY ADULT! I guess this also explains why I don't get mosquito bites anymore. My friend once told me that mosquitoes are attracted to sweet blood. I guess my blood is too bitter for the tiny buzzy insect. But i kinda want to be bitten, i mean i do miss the little red bumps on my skin.
Phantom planet has been the best thing today. California makes me calm. I guess it's just the cast of THE OC. Massive love.
Okay, i think i'm in an appropriate good state to shut my system until the day begins again. Good night. And, please check up with your anti-virus software and have them updated. You don't want your digital machine to fall ill cos that will be an extreme depression. I can't live without the internet and spotify! But i'm fine with socials, i don't like facebook or twitter to begin with. Good night.
ps: to this stranger on tumblr who once used to follow my tumblr, i don't like you but that doesn't mean i should stop following you because that's just juvenile and i am an adult. Good bye then.
Anyway, back to the main point of this annoyance. There! It happened again. Seriously, can this whole pop up thing end already? This is not fun and what did i do to deserve this internet torture. Yes. I have been unruly gloomy and bitter about everything but seriously, this punishment makes no sense. I am a strong believer in logic despite the fact i'm a godly person. Anyway, yes. This whole pop up thing needs to stop. Like STOP.
Moving on, i just realised that i recently lost a follower on Tumblr so that makes me uncool I guess. I have now left with just one follower and she's a good friend of mine while the other one who unfollowed me is just a complete stranger. Okay, i know i'm not cool enough to be followed and I don't mind. Well, it does kinda tick me off in all honestly but i'm just putting the thought of being a complete natural hostile human to this. Exhaling is the best for this exact moment. If you're mad pissed just try breathing in and just take a long exhale after that. It helps! I feel kinda better now. Well at least at this point there's no pop ups.
So much ranting for today. I am not one who complains a lot but just lately. So weird. I don't get angry easily too but just lately. Everything is all weird and strange for me. All these bitterness and brackishness seem to be the new me lately. Maybe i should stop having three shots of espresso or basically, coffee. I have been laying off sugar and I guess it's good. Well, my resolution i made four years back came true finally. YAY, I'M ONE HAPPY ADULT! I guess this also explains why I don't get mosquito bites anymore. My friend once told me that mosquitoes are attracted to sweet blood. I guess my blood is too bitter for the tiny buzzy insect. But i kinda want to be bitten, i mean i do miss the little red bumps on my skin.
Phantom planet has been the best thing today. California makes me calm. I guess it's just the cast of THE OC. Massive love.
Okay, i think i'm in an appropriate good state to shut my system until the day begins again. Good night. And, please check up with your anti-virus software and have them updated. You don't want your digital machine to fall ill cos that will be an extreme depression. I can't live without the internet and spotify! But i'm fine with socials, i don't like facebook or twitter to begin with. Good night.
ps: to this stranger on tumblr who once used to follow my tumblr, i don't like you but that doesn't mean i should stop following you because that's just juvenile and i am an adult. Good bye then.