6:53 PMTwo weeks back, I attended Harper's BAZAAR Photography Exhibition which was held at The Gardens Mall with Kaze. We arrived at Megamall early, so we decided to go have a tiny peek at the setting of the event at the Gardens concourse area. When we got there, we were so shocked to see the guests were all dressed up elegantly and nicely in; ladies-dresses and men- tux/suit/coat and etc. Well, most of them wore all black. So Kaze said, "OMG! How lah I'm not dressed formal?".
I said "OMG! I'm like the only colourful blue hippy and OMG! It's MR. Moscow! He looks so handsome and super good looking in that suit. How lah I can't let him see me like that? I think he's so going to laugh at me?'Cos I'm like the only bluegirl here".
So, Kaze went to his car and changed into his black top. Thank, God! He brought an extra top. While he went to changed, I went to MPH to get a notepad which I need it to jot down stuff while interviewing people at the event. So after we're all settled, we went to the exhibition. They were like so many people and everybody were mingling around. I was really tired that day cos I had college in the morning and then we went out with our collegemates to OU. So, Kaze decided to become my photographer:) Thanks, Kaze. Guess, who I met? I met the Chief-Editor of harper's BAZAAR Magazine Msia, Natasha Kraal. I talked to her and interviewed her. Gosh, she's really nice and I asked her ;
"how does it feels like being an editor of HB?"
She said, "It's really nice and wonderful. It's my dream job eversince I was young."
"Is your job similar to Willamina from UGLY BETTY?"
"Nope. Well, Ugly Betty is just full of drama. It's totally different than the real world."
I told her that I hope to be an editor or creative director for a fashion magazine one day. She told me to just go for it and don't give up easily on my dreams:) She's such an angel. Anyway, I'm going to cut things short. The photography exhibition was awesome. I love all the pictures; very editorial and high fashion. I was quite sad though that I didn't got the chance to take pic with Mr.Moscow cos he left early:( Argh!!!Melly, you are so dumb!!!You shouldn't have linger time. Okay, this is so weird. I think I just scolded myself. Anyhoo, I got to enjoy a free make-up session from DIOR:) ~wee. Ciaoz x.
Check out my post for Harper's BAZAAR photography exhibition at Tongue in Chic!
Me + Natasha Kraal, editor of Harper's BAZAAR magazine Msia :)
Tengku Zainal + me,
* She's so nice and thanks to her, I got a free make-up session by DIOR:D
Kaze + Camelia
Camelia + Me
Joyce + Me
I really admire Kaze, he and Camelia were camwhoring with my nikon neo. haha
Me+Gillian Hung, founder of MODA
Kenneth Goh, fashion director of harper's BAZAAR Msia/S'pore.
*OMG, look who's behind him? It's Mr. Moscow! :D
Urgh!! Look at the yellow miang datin leaning so close to my MR.Moscow, Arghh!! Get away from him, YOU Yellow Datin Aunty!!
Isn't he just so good looking? *drools
AND No!! Zen, he doesn't look like some porn star okay!
Ignore the awkward pose, just look at the colour on my eyes. Well, only bronze la but still it's really pretty. I like the eyeliner effect:)
The blue girl is wearing dress+bag+shoes; Bazaar, Coach, Aldo
Kaze & Zen
Picture Perfect: I love this pic which was taken by Kaze while I was getting my make-up done. BTW, Mr.Moscow is on far left:)