I MUST Post this even though I'm Stinky Busy like a Bee
5:56 AM
The ninja and the aunty turned nineteen last week. Cheers to us for being besties ever since secondary school till now! I love you so so much Jojo the Giraffe! HAI -YAK!!
I'm so busy, so so so........... busy with my finals and work. Can't wait to sit for two more papers (i.e. Sociology & Sales Promotion) and hopefully the smell of freedom shall start by end of this week. Then, I can feed my piggy blob with yummy pictures and shall continue my super long delayed JUNK post which by now I think most of you might have already seen it on Facebook or in JUNK magazine (if you happen to buy). Oh well, wish me luck piggy. Mommy got to study and do well in stinky winky exams. xoxo, toodles =D