Four More Days To Go Till HO HO HO....
6:04 PMIllustrated this Christmas wallpaper for the company that I'm interning. I love the fat snowman that I drew which is just the way that I want him to look like - fat, healthy and happy. Can't believe 3 months has passed and left one more month to go till I leave the company. The stress from the company is just crazy and unbearable at some point but the experience working for my boss company is just amazing and priceless. Not to mention, my boss is one hell of a slave driver but a very NICE slave driver I must say. By the way, I'm interning at a creative advertising boutique which is really different from what I used to do. My work has got nothing to do with fashion and yea.. the boring corporate stuff. But some events I admit are quite fun, especially the musicals and rehearsals!! Anyway, Christmas is happening in 96 hours from now. Glad that I did my christmas shopping last weekend and can't wait for the BIG family dinner this Friday! Till then, Merry Christmas loves x =)