Nouveau Départ, Bonjour 2011!
1:25 AMNew beginning. New start. Nouveau Départ indeed. So far my first week of twenty eleven was pretty good even though my first day of the new year turned out sucky. Don't wanna say it or even think about it. When i say bad luck, i literally mean SUPER BAD LUCK. Being a superstitious girl i am and having the first day of my new year to start off badly, just hit me with this perception that my twenty eleven is going to be a horrible boo hoo year for me. But according to my friends, chinese says that if you experience bad luck on the first day of the new year, all your bad luck for the entire year of 2011 are good gone. That definitely made me happy and i guess that i wont be experiencing any bad luck for this year *keep fingers crossed* =)
Making a resolution list have become like a yearly tradition for me. Usually, my resolution list for every year just get longer and longer as years go by. However, this year apparently the list is surprisingly very short. Like there is only 3 things in my list which i usually will have about like ten or twenty things that need to change or achieve for melly's new year. Hmm...weird. So the three things are;
- punctuality (more like punch you reality. not a fan of the whole reality thing but yea.. need to slowly absorb into it so i do not need to get a reality check)
- positivity (this i have to admit is always with me ever since i was born until now but i still do need to charge my happy battery inside me every now and then cos sometimes when i do something, my battery reader frequently shows me the minus bar which i don't remember having that last time only last year ever since the chicken pox attack. Fish you chicky pox.)
- confidence (must have the confidence in everything i do, be it - decision, choices or every move i make. Yuh... i definitely have the confidence in you melly that you gonna be early at all occasions. Now that's what exactly i'm talking about - good start!)
ps: i just thought of another resolution and to add that in will be #4 - work out even harder at the gym!