Better Me
3:21 AMWhen was the last time you felt really happy about something? Especially, something that you didn't sign up for and what i mean is an expectation form of sorts. Everyone has expectation(s) - they are either set to the highest or to the lowest - usually, people put up for the best possibility because it's good to look at things positive. Nobody would want to register negativity, unless they have valid reasons to do so. And, that is not a bad thing. There is nothing really good or bad when it comes to drawing expectation or anything in the process of cognition actually. But I am sure you have heard of your loved ones/friends/celebrity/author/politician/astronaut says something like this, "Great expectations lead to great disappointments" or the great William Shakespeare would say, "Expectation is the root of all heartache." True and not true. It is subjective. I guess you have to find out for yourself and at the end of the day, it's the experience that answers your 'expectation' queries. Good luck!
Well.. for me. I would say somewhere in the middle when it comes to having an expectation. This sounds like a lie but it's the truth. Okay, why not I break its dimensions for you so you get what I mean by the 'middle' and so that I don't sound like a liar. Most times, say, 70% of my expectations are at a maybe stage while 20% owing to a very low expectation and 10% to a high expectation when my obnoxious side decides to take over me, which is rare. Hope that gives you a picture of what i meant about the 'middle'. And, don't sweat so much on it, just give it a calm thought to it.
Anyway, it is August this month and I can't believe it is the second new month to the other half of 2013. July felt like yesterday or it felt like the month didn't happen at all. But, I am absolute sure it did happen because July 2013 is a very important month for me - especially, in my history of 22 years, it will and shall always be remembered. I know I always talk about changes and changing things for myself so I can live a better life but it doesn't last long when it usually happens. It always comes to a flashing halt. But July made it all happen; I have changed for the the better - changed for good health - changed to appreciate my life better than before.
Last month, I had an operation and it was nothing major but nothing minor too. The show went on well and I am so proud of myself for being so brave to have had gone through the horrifying surgical fix. Well, operations are really scary but I braved it! I don't want to go into details about it because I want to keep this personal. But, I just had to write about this because it was the most eventful day of my life and also because, I gave up fags and alcohol in that month. It has been almost two weeks since the day of my surgery and I can rest assured you that I am healthy now and happier than before. I thanked everyone for all the love and support and also, their prayers for me. And, the Big Man up there for giving me all the courage to brave myself for the surgery and also, my family! I am very blessed to have an ever loving and supportive family and also, my kick ass friends (you guys know who you are)! This month will be a good month for me and I know it because I am looking forward to start my new job next week and my former editor just offered me something really exciting too. I hope the latter works out because I feel it's going to be amazing for the fellow young Malaysians if it happens.
Till then, good night and good day! Oh, and also for those of you celebrating Raya next week, Selamat Hari Raya! Xx
ps: Here's something happy for your ears btw! Check out NONONO below :)