Heroes At Least
3:45 AMToday has been a strange day filled with many unexpected events. I don't know how to feel exactly. I had ice cream again. Two days in a row, same time but different flavour and different place. There is nothing to complain today and that is somehow strange. Being the ever melodramatic being I've always been, I usually have something to talk about in a somewhat massive extravagant manner but not for today. For example, "I love flowers" but after adding some hammy spice, it goes something like that, "I hear it breathe as the wind sweeps between the scent and soft petals of the beautiful flowers." Okay, maybe that's a little over the top. I can't think of any right now because my ham is currently dysfunction. And, that is very depressing.
Apparently, I paid a visit to the doctor today and it was pleasant/unpleasant. Pleasant, because I haven't visited the hospital for almost a year and unpleasant, well, I rather not talk about it. Whatever it is, I just have to remain positive and hope for the better. My mum said I shouldn't tell anyone so I shouldn't. But she also forgot to mention that I shouldn't have dropped hints to people or make any contact in this digital outlet in regards to the matter. So, I guess my 'liberty' stands strong here. After all, it is my personal space and I own this space. All I can say right now is, "We can be heroes, just for one day." My friend, Catherhea is leaving for London tomorrow and I'm going to miss her mad. Two months without her is like two months without salsa and toastie and no more pretend drunkards late night strolls belting out Blackstreet No Diggity. She is anxious and so am I. We both are very anxious paranoid android kind of people. I hope we can overcome our anxieties at a blink of an eye but we know that will never happen because our stimuli works at a second-rate crawling speed of a 1974 Volswagen beetle - slow and sleek!
I should rest now. Hope for the better and looking forward to a new Friday tomorrow with a job interview I will be attending. And, I hope Thursday comes